Descărcați Skype pentru Windows, Mac sau Linux.

Skype for Desktop

For Windows, Mac and Linux

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Skype for Mobile

Available for Android and iPhone.

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Skype for Tablet

Available for iPad, Android tablets, Windows and Kindle Fire HD.

Skype for Xbox

Skype for Xbox One makes it even easier to invite the whole gang into your living room — no matter where they are.

For more information visit the support site for Xbox One.

Skype calling on Amazon Echo Devices

Reach friends, family or colleagues worldwide from your Amazon Alexa device. Simply ask Alexa to call any of your Skype contacts or read a phone number out loud to call it.

Skype calling with Alexa is currently available in the US, the UK, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico and Spain. This feature will be coming soon to Japan.